Key Features

Satisfaction Surveys are an important measure of service quality in health care organizations. From a management perspective, User/Patient Satisfaction Surveys in health care is important for several reasons: Firstly, satisfied patients and employees are more likely to maintain a consistent relationship; secondly, by identifying sources of client/patient dissatisfaction, system weaknesses can be identified and resolved, thus improving the quality of care and safety; finally, satisfaction surveying yields important impulses for system performance and efficiency.

The User/Patient Satisfaction Survey can be conducted over Phone, Kiosks and Mobile Applications.

  • Over the phone is conducted by Healthcare providers where an authorized staff will contact the user/patient directly ( integrated through CICSO). All answers will be saved and retrieved to the upper management for assessment and decision making.
  • On Kiosks that are displayed in the medical center where the patient/User can access the survey through username and password.
  • On mobile applications, surveys will be sent to patients/Users within specific cases and time.